Around here, Douglas Firs (Doug Firs) are ubiquitous. They sit tall and might protecting us from both sun and rain, making homes for many critters, birds, and insects. They are so much a part of my daily life and my entire life that I had to search in earnest for an example on my phone. I don’t often take photos of the Doug Fir in isolation, but I found one!
Ok, is it a photo of the tree or the sunset? We know the truth, but it’s the best that I have at this point. Doug Firs have been pivotal within my life but also my spiritual practice. Remember when I mentioned sitting under “my” tree in my “The Future Is Disabled” post? It was a huge, ancient Doug Fir. It guided me. It comforted me in moments of pain, severe anxiety, and fostered hope in moments of doubt. I love working with Doug Fir energy, and as I was making my rose water all those weeks back, I noticed the new growth on the Doug Firs and wondered if I could make Doug Fir water.
While I have missed the new growth season here in town, we went up into the foothills, and there they were waiting for me to pick. I asked permission and said thank you. I left an offering to the land. I came home with enough to make some Doug Fir water.
I used the exact same method as the rose water. I set the intentions of grounding, protection, and cleansing into my water and Doug Fir. I didn’t think about it until later, but the addition of a favorite grounding and protective stone/crystal would also be a great way. I would put them on top of the lid with the ice.
Large pot
Small glass container
A lid that fits the pot, turned upside down
Doug Fir Needles
Water, enough to where your needles are floating
Rinse your plant(s). You want to get rid of any bugs.
Put your small glass container in the middle of your big pot.
Add the needles around the glass container.
Add the water. Put lid on upside down, making sure it is centered over your jar.
Turn heat up to a medium. then lower to a low once it starts simmering.
Put your ice on top of your lid to create condensation so the distilled water and essence drip into your jar.
I let mine got for about 40 minutes.
Wow! I got so much right?! Wrong. I spilled mine. I almost cried. For real. I was trying to lift up my mason jar because it has ounces marked, and I wanted to know how much I’d gotten. If it was 2 ounces, I was going to stop. It slipped out of the tongs and upside down right into the base tea. Devastated. I was devastated, I tell you!
Why am I posting about a failure? Well, it’s funny, let’s be real. Also, I managed to make lemonade out of this lemon. I ended up using the tea as a floor and wall wash. It smells amazing. It’s like eucalyptus, tea tree, and a lemon all had a baby. I had set the intention of cleansing and protection so I figured why not use it as a wash? It’s been boiled. It’s CLEAN.
Cancer Season has really been leaving me wanting to spruce up my home, deeply clean and cleanse it. I started with my kitchen floor, which was in great need of a deep clean. I was worried about any stickiness from sap, but nope! Not sticky at all, and my kitchen still smells great a day later.
Then I came into my bedroom because I still had a bunch of water left. I took down my fake vines, soaked them in a pot of hot water and soap. I then scrubbed the heck out of my walls with the Doug Fir tea. The wall I went hardest on is the one where my bed is. I went to sleep 12 hours later to the smell of the wash and the feeling of peace. I haven’t been sleeping well, and this was a game changer. I will definitely be using the teas of my hydrosols for cleaning/cleansing/spell work from now on.
What’s your favorite way to clean and cleanse? How have you made lemonade out of lemons recently?
Wishing you well this week! May your life offer what you need in this moment.
With love,
Aventurine ✨
I think sharing the "failures" is also very important and as you showed it doesn't have to be a failure. I imagine the feeling of smelling your house is amazing 😍. I haven't really made any essences or other things with plants, for years I've been wanting to make Gilead Balm from cottonwood buds, but I haven't been able to yet. I'm sure the time will come.